How the AVERAGE IMPERIAL reacted to ALDERAAN (Re-upload)

How the Galaxy Reacted to Alderaan's Destruction

How Loyal Imperials Reacted to Alderaan's Destruction [Canon] - Star Wars Explained

How the Empire Reacted to the Death Star's Destruction [Canon] - Star Wars Explained

How Palpatine Reacted to the Death Star's Destruction

How The Galaxy Reacted To Alderaan Being Destroyed

Why Palpatine's Reaction to the Death Star’s Destruction SHOCKED Vader - Star Wars Explained

Why Darth Vader Believed Destroying Alderaan was a Mistake - Star Wars Explained

Did You Know Cloud City Was Originally Going To Be An Imperial City Named Alderaan? #Shorts

How 4 Planets Looked After the DEATH STAR Attacked

Did LEIA Regret Lying to TARKIN Before He DESTROYED Alderaan? | Star Wars Canon Explained | #Shorts

Alderaanian Stereotypes

The Jedi Knight Who Was Killed by the Death Star on Alderaan - Ylenic It'kla Explained

Alderaan. A planet of NO!

Why Palpatine Was Glad Tarkin Died on the Death Star - Star Wars Explained

Alderaan Shot First!

Why Coruscant looks so weird in Andor

Darth Vader 'I find your lack of faith disturbing' - HD1080p - Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope

Darth Vader 'You have failed me for the last time' - Full Scene HD

You'll pay for what happened to Alderaan

How Life Changed Under Imperial Rule

The Destruction of Alderaan

The Real Voice of Darth Vader...hilarious!

Darth Vader: 'The emperor is not as forgiving as I am' (Star Wars Episode VI Opening Scene)